Terminal Designs
Kelly Tube System Terminals
Kelly Systems Inc. Manufactures Tube Systems for various conditions in a wide variety of industries.Terminals are the access points to the system and are designed for various scenarios from office settings to steel mill blast furnaces.
We fabricate the terminals to the common system sizes which we supply 3” 4” and 6”.

Standard 619 Central Terminal
The 619 Terminal is a cornerstone in the industry for various settings indoor and outdoor. This is the central station which allows air to pass through the terminal and connects to the blower. Every pneumatic tube system has a single central terminal in the system.
Terminal System Sizes Options: 3” 4” or 6”
Dimensions 18” Tall, 6.5” Wide, 6.25” Deep
Standard 619 Sub Station
The 619 style terminal is a time tested best in class option capable to meet a majority of customer’s needs. Every Pneumatic Tube System consists of minimally 1 Sub Station and the total number is infinite on a diverter system.
Terminal System Size Options: 3” 4” or 6”
Dimensions 18” Tall, 6.5” Wide, 6.25” Deep
Double 619 Sub Terminal Drive-Up
The Double 619 Sub Terminal is a powdercoat steel design capable with telecom equipment. This is the Sub Station which allows truck drivers to communicate with inside guard house attendants. This station integrates with Kelly Autovac System.
Terminal System Size Options: 3” or 4”
Dimensions 18” Tall, 13” Wide, 6.25” Deep
Standard Streamflow Terminal: Central & Sub
This Terminal utilizes a sling for a soft delivery. Carriers can be accumulated without having to empty the terminal after every send. This terminal is Heavy Duty 11 GA steel and with Durable powder coat finish can be utilized in both harsh conditions as well as office settings. Fits for Central or Sub locations on a system. Designed for up-delivery or down-delivery system requirements.
Terminal System Size Options: 3” or 4”
Dimensions 21” Tall, 20” Wide, 5.5” Deep
Vertical Door STEEL MILL DUTY: Central & Sub
Designed for the harshest operating conditions. Vertical Door terminal is a casted aluminum body with brass handles and hook. This terminal is easily operated by gloved workers in a mill or heavy duty condition. These Terminals are used as both Central and Sub Terminals on systems.
These terminals come in 4” System sizes and can be outfitted with optics and door locks. Safety and Reliability is the most important when sending heavy samples.
Terminal System Size Options: 4”
Dimensions 26.75” Tall, 11.125” Wide, 5.25” Deep
K-TERMINAL (Aluminum/Poly Carbonate Body)
Designed for minimal space usage for office and clean settings. This is a lightweight aluminum alloy body with a polycarbonate body wrapped around the aluminum. These are weather resistant and will not rust due to the materials used. These can be used for central terminals as well sub terminals on a system. (Not intended for severe duty use.)
Compatible with optics and arrival signals. This Terminal has options for lockout with pad locks if needed on the top and bottom of the slider latch. (Safety and Security)
Terminal System Size Options: 4"
Dimensions 20.75” Tall, 4.25” Wide, 4.25” Deep
49 Style Air Back Terminal
This terminal design is used in high volume systems where the blower is constantly running. Inside the terminal has a leather door that allows the carrier to pass out of the vacuum section of the system and Gravity drop to the next section or arrive at destination.
Terminal System Size Options: 3” or 4”
49 Style Back Send Terminal Upper Door
This terminal design is used in high volume systems where the blower is constantly running. Inside the terminal has a leather door that allows the carrier to pass out of the vacuum section of the system and Gravity drop to the next section or arrive at destination.
Terminal System Size Options: 3” or 4”
Contact Us
To obtain additional information regarding the Kelly Tube solution best suited for your application…to request a “ball-park” cost estimate for your budget planning…to request a bid for an active project specifying a pneumatic tube system… to request a meeting at your site for preparation of a proposal for a complete Kelly Tube System to meet your needs…or to request assistance with your existing pneumatic tube system, please give us a call or fill out the form below.